Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Christopher Alexander

Found an architect that is related to generative systems he has a few books that i think i should read and there are a few websites that are quite interesting


i think one of his books is on amazon good chunk is there is free to read but will buy when i have money


another one of his books i should get



damn good shit

found a great blog stie that has loads of stuff on generative systems in graphic design
even has generative tools for illustrator only in beta testing stage at the mo but you can download the plug in called scriptograph

serialconsign.com generative layout and typography

this is where you can download the plugins go onto tutorials for a demo of what the plugins can do

something i did quickly with the tree tool

Friday, 29 April 2011


Cool website with loads of experimental generative design think it's more of a research project than anything else but still interesting.

Something to remeber... Generative Art Conference 2011


This is a Generative Art Conference held in Italy should keep an eye on this as it could be useful later

What is Generative Design?

I have come across many attempts of defining what it is. Many of them are absurd – especially those published in journals that seek to define generative design within tiny niches of  reserch interests. Outside their confines, I have found some good ones that capture the spirit of generative design – I list them here :

Some good definitions of Generative Design

Generative design is not about designing the building – Its’ about designing the system that builds a building.- Lars Hesellgren
Generative design systems are aimed at creating new design processes that produce spatially novel yet efficient and buildable designs through exploitation of current computing and manufacturing capabilities- Kristina Shea

Generative design approach works in imitation of Nature, performing ideas as codes, able to generate endless variations “  - Celestin Soddu

A basic form, pattern, or object is automatically modified by an algorithm. The result: infinite random modifications of the starting solution (within a solution space set by the designer).- Frank Piller

Generative Design Processes is about the modeling of initial conditions of an object (its “genetics”) instead of modeling the final form.- Paola Fontana

“An over aching computational method; in essence an incremental specification of design logic in a computational form that eventually yields with a design space open for exploration of alternatives and their variations.- Halil Erhan

 http://generativedesign.wordpress.com to the host site

While these definitions collectively help describe Generative Design, I have always wondered if there is a better way of defining it – Perhaps defining it at a higher level of abstraction, where it floats above methods and captures its higher purpose.  As a believer in the supremacy of biological design process I tend to look at nature for answers.

Will Wright and Brian Eno - Generative Systems

Here's a link to the whole lecture.